Stephanie Fowers
brought to you by Great Journey Productions (Remember? The same ones who brought Slavetron, Apocalypse Crusaders, seminary commercials, and every other random spoof you can think of).
Our Youtube  Adventures:
We're doing a remake of Mika's 'Big Girls.' Alex Nitz is our amazing singer and honestly, we were just trying to get reactions (didn't work). Anyway, we're celebrating all types of beauty in this one.
Head's up: This doesn't start until 34 seconds into it...and you might not get this mockumentary UNLESS you've been to church choir before...
So, this was kind of our tribute to highschool musical...but then it just ended up being cute. Ah well, my mom liked it!
             I'm singing and so is Alex.
We decided to make our own Emo song complete with music video. Starring an all star cast of our friends, though it turned out a little spooky.
Written by our LDStorymakers friends
          Performed by mine...
Another fun Music Video brought to you by the same group who did "Big Girls" (us).
This is my brother's high school Shakespeare Project. We went a little overboard helping him out, but it was awesome. I'll have to upload a battle scene on youtube sometime so you can understand how cool it is!